METSEPM5110 – PM5110 powermeter w modbus – upto 15th H – 1DO 33alarms flush mount
range : PowerLogic
product name ; PowerLogic PM5000
device short name : PM5110
product or component type : Power meter
Power quality analysis : up to the 15th harmonic
device application : Power monitoring
Type of measurement :
Power factor
Active and reactive power
supply voltage :
100…415 V AC 45…65 Hz
125…250 V DC
network frequency :
50 Hz
60 Hz
[In] rated current :
1 A
5 A
type of network :
1P + N
3P + N
maximum power consumption in VA : 10 VA at 415 V
ride-through time :
80 ms 120 V AC typical
100 ms 230 V AC typical
100 ms 415 V AC typical
display type : Backlit LCD
display resolution : 128 x 128 pixels
Produk dijamin ASLI dan Bergaransi
Jam Kerja: 09.00 – 16.00
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