Compact smart relay, Zelio Logic, 20 I/O, 100…240 V AC, clock, no display / SR2E201FU
range of product : Zelio Logic
product or component type : Compact smart relay
local display : Without
number or control scheme lines :
0240 with ladder programming
0500 with FBD programming
cycle time : 690 ms
backup time : 10 years at 25 C
clock drift :
12 min/year at 055 C
6 s/month at 25 C
checks : Program memory on each power up
[Us] rated supply voltage : 100…240 V AC
supply voltage limits : 85264 V
supply frequency : 50/60 Hz
maximum supply current :
100 mA at 100 V (without extension)
50 mA at 240 V (without extension)
power consumption in VA : 11 VA without extension
isolation voltage : 1780 V
protection type : Against inversion of terminals (control instructions not executed)
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