A9K24316 – MCB Schneider iK60N – 3P – 16 A – C curve
device application : Distribution
range : Acti 9
product name : Acti 9 iK60
product or component type : Miniature circuit-breaker
device short name : IK60N
poles description : 3P
number of protected poles : 3
[In] rated current : 16 A at 30 C
network type : AC
trip unit technology : Thermal-magnetic
curve code : C
breaking capacity : 6000 A Icn at 400 V AC 50/60 Hz conforming to EN/IEC 60898-1
suitability for isolation : Yes conforming to EN/IEC 60898-1
standards : EN/IEC 60898-1
product certifications : SNI
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